"There are lies, damned lies, and statistics... And then there's mathematical models!" - John Flenly, palynologist and author of the wonderfully insightful book 'Easter Island, Earth Island'.
Swim is a mathematical model of Go, but i insist it doesn't tell lies - not deliberate ones, anyway.
The heart and soul of Alfie is statistics, as is the heart and soul of the whole Google thing.
Not knowing what to do with all the statistics it collects, Google sprays them around, like a farmer sprays muck over his fields.
But just as muck feeds the growing plants, so statistics feed the curiosity of their reader.
The statistics on this thread (which only contains metadata), and the statistics on the thing its posts point to: the actual content of
My Go Study Journal, tell me that whereas the thread has been visited 400 times, the only meaningful thing in it - the content of
My Go Study Journal - which only requires one click to see - has only been visited 64 times!
So what the heck were the other 336 viewers doing??! Are L19 viewers afraid of https, or of such short attention span that they can't be bothered to click just once more (since they had to click once to get here in the first place)?
Is their lookahead horizon only one click long, or are they all just metadata-collecting bots?
Even if i say so myself, there's some good stuff in that content; it may not show you how you can get better at Go, but it most certainly does show you how to not get better at it.