here's what Swim sees:
gomoto.png [ 31.97 KiB | Viewed 8146 times ]
R11 is the obvious target, and the white line is its path to its nearest friend.
So black should cut across that, without going too far from his own weak group on the right.
P10? - It follows the proverb "attack with keima"
PS: P9 fits a pattern, but P6 spoils that pattern, so P9 doesn't look right
PPS: another idea: to attack Q11, start a roundabout attack by leaning on P6 or O16; of the two, P6 looks more appropriate, because R6-R9 is a bit weak
After, say, black P7, black can consider sacrificing R6 to catch Q11 (or make profit by chasing it), because R6 isnt doing anything much.
PPPS: ... So i asked Leela. It fixated on P9 even though it thought E6 was better.
I asked Leela what it thought would happen after black P10 and it reckoned that it wasn't much of an attack, and after about 20 moves it wanted black to E6.
It didn't think much of black P7, ignoring it - which of course is what it should do, because P7 might look like a leaning attack, but it doesn't threaten anything (oops!), so white can tenuki and just jump out to P11.
So i don't know... black E6 is starting to look pretty good to me; if it's the start of a roundabout attack on R11, that's one heck of a long-distance roundabout, but maybe it's what's needed, as a direct attack on R11 doesn't achieve much.
PPPPS: Of course it's long-distance; that's what roundabout attacks are! E6 is the junction of white's strong cluster on the left and the weak one in the middle, which looks like a wall, but it's an eyeless wall, so
it's not thick, it's heavy... Black E6 will induce white to jump out to, say, H7, and then black can press on it a bit more with eg K7, preparing for a splitting attack between white's middle and R11, across the white line.
PPPPPS: Oh my God (
Alfie, Akhbar) i've caught the Gomoto disease of talking to myself!!... Still, at least when i talk to myself, the other person listens patiently, even if he has no idea what i'm talking about.
context: weak youA, weak meB, strong meC
condition: proximal(youA,meB), not.too.far(meB,meC)
goal: attack(youA from meC)
context: goal(attack(youA from meC)), weak youD
condition: whiteline(youA,youD), weak youD
goal: split(youA, youD) along whiteline(youA,youD)
context: goal(split(youA, youD))
condition: weak youD, strong youE, proximal(youD, youE)
goal: roundabout(youA,youD,youE,meC)
context: goal(roundabout(you1,you2,you3,me4))
condition: goal(split(you1,you2) strong me4, between(me4,(you1, you2)
goal: split(you2,you3) [comment: to drive you2 towards you1 preparing to split(you1,you2) from me4 just before they can join up]