We are pleased to announce The Cork Go Tournament of 2019, to be held over the 23rd-24th of November.
Here in friendly Cork, on the banks of the Lee by the famous St.Fin Barre's Cathedral, we are delighted to host another Go tournament for all you go aficionados out there.
This will be a class B Swiss Tournament (Handicapped -1) of 5 rounds; 40 minutes main thinking time and 5X30 seconds byoyomi. Komi will be set at 6.5, and Japanese counting will be used for scoring the game.
As always we will supply; various teas, coffee, fruit, biscuits and other goodies!
9.30: Registration
10:00 Round 1
13:30 Round 2
16:00 Round 3
There will be a dinner organised from 7pm at a nearby restaurant.
11:00 Round 4
14:30 Round 5
VENUE: St.Fin Barre's Cathedral Hall, Dean Street, Cork.
Entry Fee - €15/€8 (unwaged/students).
Please fill out the registration form below.
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIp ... sp=sf_linkOR
You can email
tomasoseanachain@gmail.com with your name, email address, rank, club, and weather you would like to join us for dinner.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!