Life In 19x19

Curious as to the perceived skill between groups of players
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Author:  Elom0 [ Sat Jul 13, 2024 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Curious as to the perceived skill between groups of players

if we take the top 16 each of one, compare to the top 16 of another, we can agree the order of skill between each is about, SKorea&China, Taiwan&Japan, SKorea&China Women, Rest of Asia, Europe, Americas, Taiwan&Japan Women, Rest of Asia Women, Rest of World, Americas women, Europe Women, iRest of World Women,OO but what is perception of the the winning rate and score between each set, for reference 200 elo is 75%, and the first handicap stone is a the standard score of 6.5 with following handicap stones a score of 13, feel free to complement with more cats

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