Life In 19x19

Contact Fights Training Software
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Author:  Chaosrider2808 [ Sat Jun 23, 2018 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Contact Fights Training Software

I'm returning to Go after a long absence, and I very badly need some good Contact Fights training software. What I really want is a copy of the Bruce Wilcox Contact Fights software, which I had decades ago and loved. But it appears to be a new element...Unobtainium!

I'll keep looking, but in the meantime, can any of you recommend a good downloadable Contact Fights trainer? I'm only about 10 kyu (per igowin), so I don't need a high level of sophistication...unless I can get that cheap!

Absent Wilcox, I would much prefer a package that has modern graphics and intuitive menus.

Can any of you give me a recommendation for a good program? And ideally a pointer to a "Download Here!" button.

I expect to pay for this SW, but if there's a free version, even that would probably help me with my current re-birth into Go.

Thanks for any help that you can provide!



Author:  hyperpape [ Sat Jun 23, 2018 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Contact Fights Training Software

I didn't read this post as asking for pirated software, but just so you and anyone else reading the thread knows, we have a firm policy against sharing such software or links to it on this forum. If Wilcox ever released the code, or a shareware version, or is still selling it, that would be worth posting.

Author:  Chaosrider2808 [ Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Contact Fights Training Software

I COMPLETELY agree with that policy! I am author with two published novels, so I TOTALLY get it!

I've been a computer nerd for over 40 years, and I make many back-ups and duplicate back-ups and I store them in different places. So, I went on a snipe hunt, and finally found what I was looking for on my oldest active back-up disk, which I was about to retire and archive.

I have the full original Bruce Wilcox Contact and Sector Fights Dojo! Zip files and everything, plus the actual apps that I extracted so long ago. Runs great on my current Windows 10 machine. Over the decades I paid for that SW at least twice, maybe three times, and it was worth it each time.

So, there's no question of my legal right to use the copies that I have (I let out a cheer when I actually found it). And, it would NEVER occur to me to do anything to infringe on the Wilcox copyright. I just wish there was a way to make this available, within those constraints, because it's so good. I also have very fond memories of it. I'm not the least bit interested in making money with it.

I looked an eBay for it before I found it. Zip. And that surprised me. I thought there would at least be a market for legitimately purchase CDs, but apparently not.

I also saw a new listing on eBay for an in-the-box original Wilcox GoMaster from Toyogo, which I also bought at least once in the distant past. They wanted $100 for it, and if I wasn't impoverished, I'd have snapped it up! So, at least you all now know about that.

I am one happy critter!



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