The second sentence above is from the 45th Game's commentary. But in older edition of the book I found extra sentence.
Rather strange when trying to translate
"December 15 granted the treatment of support to the ten men of Inoue Dosa Inseki and Honinbo Doteki"
I'm looking forward to clarifying some extra info..
The info of SGF file of this game tells us about the date 30.11.1685, but the book says "十一月三日弈于御城" - 03.11.
Moreover, as I understand, 弈于
御城 means "played in
Shogun's castle". But in some previous games' commentaries I came across 弈于秀忠
公御前 and
公御前 I guess 公 means "in front of [castle]", but as for 御前 I think it's "go zen"御前_%28ごぜん%29/
When I continue to investigate, I see, that the Contents of the book include 御前.
第一章 御城棋以前的
御前棋(第1局——第9局)……………(1) I guess, it's "Before Castle Games"
第二章 御城棋(第1局——第524局)……….............. .. (23) Castle Games
第三章 御城棋之外的名局(第1局——第78局)……………………………(1073) Games after Castle Games (played outside the Castle and later replayed in Castle)
So, I guess 弈于织田信长
公御前 means "Played in front of [in] Oda Nobunaga's Castle", but I can't recognize 御前 here as 100% true meaning...
The first "Before Castle Games" game includes "弈于院御所". As I understand, it's "played in Imperial Household or something"...
The third game includes "弈于骏河御城神君御前" - "played in the Castle of Tokugawa Ieyasu in the Province Suruga". As I found out, 神君 means "the deified monarch, that's what they called Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu".
To conclude, it's quite
interesting quest while trying looking into the past of Japan