A few years ago in 2021, Antti Törmanen presented
Ōhashi Hirofumi’s Banri Ikkū at the Nordic Go Dojo when he just recently received a copy of this book.
https://www.nordicgodojo.eu/post/579/ohashi-hirofumis-banri-ikkuAt the time, Ōhashi had shown some interest in having the book translated into English (possibly by Antti) and distributed as an e-book. Well, that never happened.
Today, I am pleased to present the translation of this book, arranged by Antti, as a printed book.
http://www.boardnstones.com/09-All_Titles-009-BNS009.phpThe book can be ordered online from well-known and lesser-known shops by searching for the ISBN (ISBN 978-3-98794-009-5) or the title.