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 Post subject: AGA link on closing of Seattle Go Center
Post #1 Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 5:38 am 
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The AGA reports on the relocation of the Seattle Go Center. ... _id=91235&

It seems to be copied from a longer Seattle Times article, which is here: ... rict-site/

The only thing that is clear is that they are losing their location in the U District. Future funding and resources from the Nihon Kiin aren't discussed, but I'd be interested in any information folks have.

 Post subject: Re: AGA link on closing of Seattle Go Center
Post #2 Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:38 am 
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I'm writing as a member of the Seattle Go Center, not as leadership. This is my own perspective. The Seattle Go Center property was owned by the Nihon Ki-in, but the Go Center worked hard to make the sale possible. (A change in local zoning to high density with tall buildings caused our property value to soar, but it also increased our taxes 250% in three years. So continuing with the two story building did not make sense.) Part of the plan was to a have a space for the Seattle Go Center in the new 21 story apartment building. With the change in the developer's plans that will no longer be possible. However, we have financial support from the sale of the building, through the Iwamoto Go Outreach Foundation (IGOF), which is funded by the Nihon Ki-in, so leasing another space is very likely. Of course, we also have our own fundraising and membership revenues to help out. There were over 60 people at the Last Tuesday at 700 NE 45th gathering.

It should be noted that the plan was always to move from the 45th St location while the new building was being constructed. The difference now is that we will not be able to move back, and that the exit was more abrupt than we expected.

Brian Allen

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 Post subject: Re: AGA link on closing of Seattle Go Center
Post #3 Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:40 pm 
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The Seattle Go Center has reopened at its temporary location at the Phinney Neighborhood Center, in a renovated school building from 1917. It will be open on Tuesdays 3-9 p.m., and Saturdays, 1-6 p.m. They have 18 table boards set up, plus an office, bathroom, and room for storage. They had a soft opening on Tuesday, Sept 12, and about 25 people came. They will probably be open other times as they build up momentum. The easiest way to find the new location is to search "Seattle Go Center" on Google Maps. If you are using other maps, look for the southeast corner of the Phinney Neighborhood Center in Seattle, on Dayton Ave. N. This location is about 2.5 miles from the old location in the U District. More information is at the Go Center website,

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