Life In 19x19

How to Resume Game after Starting Scoring
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Author:  Charlie [ Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  How to Resume Game after Starting Scoring

In glGo, how do you resume a game once scoring has started?

I had a game, today, where my opponent and I completely neglected to play the final end-game exchange for one group and started scoring. Black won the game despite the fact that a large black group was not scored properly so our mistake did not change the outcome of the game but it was somewhat disconcerting to discover that I couldn't resume the game to correct the mistake.

I think it would have been white to play, had we resumed, but that would only have made a difference of one point.

I did read, somewhere, that the "undo" button was intended for this purpose but clicking "undo" only restarted the scoring as if no groups had been marked as dead - it didn't resume play.

Author:  noneyo_getit_0011232 [ Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Resume Game after Starting Scoring

It can get a lot worse it seems. If you don't respond after your opponent hits done on scoring for 10 seconds or so you forfeit your right to dispute stones. I learned this the hard way when some Japanese 17k kept insisting 1 eye and a false eye were unconditionally alive. He ended up winning the game because I was trying to figure out how to resume and explain with moves what he could not see in front of him.

This is seriously messed up. It basically means that if you are unfamiliar with the GUI interface a stubborn (not skillful) oppoenent can win a game by being obnoxious. i don't really care about my rating or anything. It was horribly indignifying and overall a very effective way to start your morning grumpy as hell.

I was using qGo but I am not playing again until I know what to do next time.

Author:  leichtloeslich [ Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Resume Game after Starting Scoring

Hm, wow. I thought undo would do it, but maybe I remembered wrong.

Here a relevant entry from the IGS help files:

help score wrote:
2) TO SCORE A GAME (read carefully - some mistakes cannot be undone):
At the end of a game, fill in the necessary "dame" (the neutral points)
then scoring can begin. _All_ surrounded points are counted as territory.
"Bent 4" is left to the players to decide. It takes 3 'pass' moves to begin
scoring. After 3 passes, the prompt will change to: Enter Dead Groups:
REMOVE *ALL* the dead stones by entering their coordinates, otherwise the
result will be incorrect. If a mistake is made at any time while scoring,
you can *restore the previous position* by entering: undo
After you have removed the dead stones, score the game by entering: done
Both players must enter 'done'. After this, the result CANNOT be changed.

There's no command named "resume" or "continue", so I suspect you cannot restart the game after entering the scoring phase.

So before passing, make sure there's no points left. If you're in time trouble fill in dame to gain time.

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