So far I've found white's play instructive, but this is the first move from white that I don't feel good about. After reviewing many games with AI, I've developed some affinity for their preferences, and they really don't like to play heavy-slow-thick (sometimes 1 or 2, but almost never all three). It's 100% light play, weakest area, and pedal-to-the-metal with an AI. I think this move is a little misaligned from that, because the wedges weren't as apparently volatile as the connections around E10.
It's definitely desirable to play at the upper white group, but I would much prefer to add thickness around H10/J10/J11 - heck, even tengen might be better. The point is that the important area for the group, and for the game, is the center. H17 can be sacrificed, since nothing works right away and capturing would need significant commitment from black.
Taking 80% of what you greedily want is a philosophy I ought to apply more, but being too narrow and heavy with defense often makes life harder. Aiming for 100% and offering 20% as a sacrifice is a more reliable route to secure a fine result, in my experience.
We haven't had many comments yet, so I'll give my best guess at a forecast of the game. Strategically, I'm thinking both sides need to be looking for sente to play first on the right and the bottom. Black has four corners, so if they keep initiative with reductions during the midgame they will win. On the other hand, if white gets H3 and initiative at the upper right, I can see some moyo forming that black could just fail to keep up with. Right now, I'm expecting G10 and some exciting high-value fighting, with many opportunities for a fun tenuki, to follow.
(also, I'm coming back to my blind game soon, I've just got to settle myself down first)