Life In 19x19

Playing framework style
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Author:  tekesta [ Wed Dec 18, 2019 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Playing framework style

Hello again! I would like to thanks all of you for your comments on my previously posted games. Now I bring you a game in which I tried playing for framework. I will say that it was not particularly successful since I lost by 29.5 points. I know one has to be aggressive strategically to make the best use of frameworks, but in this game I seem to play a bit too soft. It appears that (again) I allowed my opponent to get a big piece of territory; the right side of the board was open to invasion for a long time. Much obliged in advance for your comments!

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Author:  Bill Spight [ Wed Dec 18, 2019 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Playing framework style

I have made a lot of frameworks in my day, so I am not an opponent of a framework style. However, the top bots have raised a lot of questions about that approach.

A framework style is not so easy to play as White. It is a style of rapid development, and Black naturally has the lead, not White.

The bots tell us that the sanrensei is questionable for White. If Black had played anything but the 4-4 or the 3-3 in the top right, approaching that corner with :w6: would have been better than sanrensei. But the real problem is :w8:, yonrensei. It is too thin and does not accomplish much. If you want to play on the bottom side, the keima at F-03 is better. But just replying to the top left approach is fine. :)

After Black invaded the bottem left corner you had the chance to take sente with :w16:. Rapid development, remember? That would have been a good time to go back to the top left corner or possibly to approach the top right corner. :b17: gave you another chance to take sente. Instead you blocked with a descent. First, you should not follow a strong player around, and you certainly should not follow a player at your own level around. Second, with the block you are trying to make territory with thickness. That's not in general a good idea, especially so early in the game.

:b19: is an interesting play, taking advantage of the fact that the sanrensei stone is on the 4th line. :) :w20: is good. You want to drive the Black stone towards your wall. But :w22: should be either the descent at B-11 or the solid connection at D-11. There are three problems with the 4th line push. First, it's a push, so you are one step behind. Second, it allows Black to play the hane at B-11, making it easy for him to make life. When your opponent invades your framework you should make it difficult for him. Third, there is no territory in the center to keep Black out of.

:w30: is good, approaching the top right corner. There is also something to be said for approaching from the right side instead of the top.

But :w40:, :w42:, and :w44: are not good. Again, you seem to be trying to make territory out of thickness. :b43: should simply take sente, and so should :b45:. :w46: is another attempt to make territory out of thickness. You should be attacking Black. :w40: should atari on the third line at E-17 and then when Black connects, :w42: should cut Black in two with E-18. Because White has a stone on K-17, the resulting fight will not be very easy for Black. :)

Author:  Jæja [ Sat Dec 21, 2019 2:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Playing framework style

@Bill Spight: thanks for the comments. They're also very helpful for me!

I'm a weak player, so I won't be giving any comments myself. Instead, I'll refer you to a chapter in a book I'm reading - Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go by Kageyama - which Bill's comments reminded me of. Perhaps they're useful for you too.

It's on page 101 and onwards in the chapter 5 titled "Territory and Spheres of Influences", which you can read here.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas time :tmbup:

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