Life In 19x19

3rd Australian Digital kicks off this weekend - REPOST
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Author:  ahd [ Wed Feb 07, 2018 4:25 am ]
Post subject:  3rd Australian Digital kicks off this weekend - REPOST

(repost from the Announcements)

If you are an Australian or New Zealand go player (at home, expatriate overseas, or in low earth orbit for all we care) this is your reminder and invitation to the 3rd Australian Digital Tournament. Details and entry at: ... 2040186329

If you're Australian, it's an Australian Go Association first-class tournament carrying cash prizes, representative points, a chance to earn a formal ranking, and the opportunity to crush the New Zealand competitors. If you're a New Zealand player, well, the same in the other direction.

Open division 2k and up, handicap division 2d and down, seven one-week rounds played on a go server near you. Email in the results in time for the next round's draw, and may the odds be ever in your favour.

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