Life In 19x19

Advanced Study Room
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Author:  stalkor [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

there are multiple problems with interclass games.

1. i dont have access to the league script, this means i cant change the way the system initially is set up.
2. if you can play EVERYONE in your layer, why the hell do i have classes?
3. A league is supposed to be a competitive way to play, like in most sports, leagues are class committed.
4. if i let all playes in a layer play eachother i would have a ladder within the league. this would be worse then the plan of the league is.
5. quantity over quality is also not part of the plan. 39 QUALITY games in a month is insane in its own way, but creating the opportunity to play even more games is just bad for the overall quality of your games. put the most effort you have got in every game you play, that way you will be satisfied way more then just puking out lots of games. btw if you want to play more games while you wait for league opponents, play blitz ladder, its there for a reason!

i encourage everyone who isnt online everyday to leave messages with opponents and SET DATES! also put in your info when you are available to play or put in your emailadress so you can contact eachother! The league becomes active if you actively get involved in the league!

for those who didnt get enough games, just sign up again for next month and try again but with this suggestion in the back of your head and actively play in the league in this way!

Author:  Marcus [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

stalkor wrote:
i encourage everyone who isnt online everyday to leave messages with opponents and SET DATES! also put in your info when you are available to play or put in your emailadress so you can contact eachother! The league becomes active if you actively get involved in the league!

See, I have a problem doing this. I don't have any scheduled time when I'm available online for a game. I get online when I can, and I try to be on every day.

I STILL can't seem to find opponents after the first week of the month. I've played 4 games, and I've wanted to play more ... I've just had no opportunity, despite logging in fairly frequently (though haphazardly, since I don't ever know beforehand if I'll be online).

Author:  Frango [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

stalkor said: "but creating the opportunity to play even more games is just bad for the overall quality of your games."


I'm sorry pal, but if you don't like this idea, just say it directly, you're the boss, you're allowed to reject ideas you don't like without explaining.

Author:  stalkor [ Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

new league has started! This month the winner of the highest class gets 1 month of korean insei league!

There seems to be a script issue, played games arent displayed somehow on the website, the programmer said he was baffled himself it happened but has no time before the 15th to fix it. I hope you guys can cope with a blind league for a while:)

Author:  topazg [ Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

Frango wrote:
stalkor said: "but creating the opportunity to play even more games is just bad for the overall quality of your games."


I'm sorry pal, but if you don't like this idea, just say it directly, you're the boss, you're allowed to reject ideas you don't like without explaining.

He's also allowed to explain his reasoning if he likes. I find it more helpful (even if I disagree!) than just saying "Nope, don't like it".

Author:  stalkor [ Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

lol, actually he made a pretty solid system, but its been running for a year now and i think the problem lies in there, it has 2 octobers and that messes things up i guess.

Author:  topazg [ Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

stalkor wrote:
lol, actually he made a pretty solid system, but its been running for a year now and i think the problem lies in there, it has 2 octobers and that messes things up i guess.

Yeah, there's no rush, I think you guys do a great job with the league :)

Actually, the hidden thing has some kind of appeal to it. It's quite a good incentive to play when you can't see how many games everyone else is playing... There'll be a big suspense around the middle of the month when the results suddenly all appear!

Author:  stalkor [ Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

script issue has been fixed! seems there were issues with date sorting hehe:P

alpha is going to be pretty tough i see, but with a great prize in sight for them they have a huge incentive to play! one month of Korean Insei league for the one who manages to become first!

Author:  freedom23 [ Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

@_@ wow I just started this month in Delta VI; about how long will it take for me to get to around alpha? XD

Author:  Gabalon [ Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

you can get up one layer every month, so next month you can be in a Gamma class, Beta in decembet and Alpha is possible in January.

The class number (1-6 for Delta, 1-4 for Gamma and 1 or 2 for Beta) don't say anything, stalkor tries to sort the strong ppl in different classes and fills the rest randomly.
ppl who stay in a class will be mixed to, so they won't have (nearly) the same class next month.

Author:  freedom23 [ Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

ohh thanks! =) That clarifies a lot lol; I thought I had to wait like 1 yr to get to alpha @_@ (delta VI , delta V, etc.) XD

Author:  Gabalon [ Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

The system was like this before the pyramide structure was used.

And back then ppl were sorted into classes according to their rank, so a 4 Dan joined the highest class right away.
But classes grew bigger and bigger, the Admin had to create extra classes between the existing every other month and it was all quite confusing. "Hey, i was class F and promoted, now i'm still class F???"

And letting everyone start in lowest class when u need 8-10 months to promote to the "right" class didn't seem good too.

So the pyramide was created, a strong and active player can reach Alpha class after 3 Months and nobody has any advantages due to a rank that might be wrong (KGS can be very confusing with ranks ^^) or a self declaired one, that's just wrong. (hey preise me, i'm a mighty 5d only like the [-] and [?] better)

Author:  stalkor [ Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

it's noteworthy that marcus is online a lot but cant seem to find opponents, but its also noteworthy that in all those months he couldnt find opponents the classes differed in size tremendously! You could therefore conclude that bigger or smaller classes wouldnt matter at all and i think its actually kinda funny:)

i hope you get youre stroke of luck because beta players are usually alot more active:)

Author:  litchee [ Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

Hello everybody !

The ASR league has new cool prizes!!
For example each month the winner of Alpha will get a free teaching game with Guo Juan (5p)!
Other prizes include books, kgs+, free lectures and teaching games with strong players!

Among those prizes there will be free lectures for all by An Younggil (8p)

By the way Guo Juan will play a teaching game with litchee on Friday 18/03/16 10:00 GMT in the ASR room on KGS..

Feel free to join :D

Author:  litchee [ Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

Hi all!

I recorded my game against Guo Juan and you can see the video on the ASR website here


Author:  litchee [ Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Advanced Study Room

Hello everybody!

Thundergod 7d will be doing a lecture on Sunday 3 Apr 19:00 GMT in kgs ASR room.
A huge thanks to him for that !
He will be talking about fuseki, turning points and direction of play.

This lecture is opened for everyone !

See you there :)

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