Life In 19x19

Aji's Quest
Page 10 of 12

Author:  GoRo [ Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

There are movies which last about two hours and let you go home as if returning from a different world. Aji's Quest filled a timespan of about two years (AAAAAH!!!, these turtles!) and many of us may experience the same feeling. A good story ended, but it will be there forever.

In our German DGoB discussion forum there were lots of comments after Bonobo had told us about the new comic story in 2012. I received helpful advice for my German translation and I am most grateful that Colette watched it well and gave interesting background information.

Greetings to Tamara from the Netherlands who showed me the first booklet of her translation. And greetings to the yet unknown-to-me translator who is going to provide a Polish translation. There were people from France who said they would translate into French, but I am not sure whether that already happened.

Thanks for the great time, thanks for the great story and three thousand cheers to Colette!
(GoChild GoRo with 2263262 points)

Author:  GoRo [ Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

Inkwolf, March 20, 2013 wrote:
Monday night I slipped on the ice and sprained a couple of fingers. Fortunately, they weren't on my drawing hand.:D
Everything OK now?

(re-reading and re-liking this thread)

Author:  Inkwolf [ Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

Hands are fine now, thanks. XD

Aji in French? If it's happening, nobody has contacted me about it yet...

Not only do I appreciate people who ask permission, they can now get access to high-res textless pages to work with, instead of having to erase all the dialog from the web-sized version.

I expect to be uploading the zip file with the last set of textless pages later today.

Author:  GoRo [ Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

Bonobo, July 31, 2013 wrote:
Please please make it never end. Or … perhaps … just shortly before I die :-)

Poor Bonobo ...

Hope you can still read this post :o

Author:  Bonobo [ Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

GoRo wrote:
Bonobo, July 31, 2013 wrote:
Please please make it never end. Or … perhaps … just shortly before I die :-)

Poor Bonobo ...
Heh :-|

Hope you can still read this post :o
Yes, I can, but, TBH, I’ve been avoiding it, like I’ve been avoiding to read the end of the “Aji’s Quest”.

No, I’m NOT superstitious, and given the wild life I’ve lived, I’m aware that death or severe disability can strike [sic!] me at any moment. Yet it is somehow … as if I don’t want to say farewell to Aji yet. Odd. One of these days I will read it; right now, however, I seem unable to bring myself to do it <shrug> Guess I’m still stuck in the denial phase ;-) I know I’ll skip anger, bargaining, and depression, though, and fast forward not only to acceptance but to the gratefulness—which I have felt all the time :-)

Nevertheless, I may thank you for the wonderful ride, Inkwolf, I look forward to enjoying the end of the story (with fastened seatbelts, as usual).

Cordially, Tm

Author:  wineandgolover [ Sun Jul 13, 2014 3:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

Seriously? Bonobo still doesn't know that he's a named character at the very end? Kinda sad.

Author:  GoRo [ Sun Jul 13, 2014 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

wineandgolover wrote:
Seriously? Bonobo ... a named character at the very end ...

Now, when you say so ... nice idea :-)

(GoChild GoRo 2266128 points)

Author:  Inkwolf [ Sun Jul 13, 2014 7:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

Don't tease people! XD Though it would have been nice if I could have put my fans in there somewhere.

Author:  paK0 [ Sun Jul 13, 2014 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

wineandgolover wrote:
Seriously? Bonobo still doesn't know that he's a named character at the very end? Kinda sad.

Haha, I thought I missed that, so I reread the whole thing. No regrets!

Author:  GoRo [ Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

Inkwolf wrote:
I am pleased that Aji translations are going on in German and Dutch, and I have recently given permission for a webcomic version in Polish. That makes Aji's Quest the most-translated thing I've ever done...

I am happy to announce that the first 4 booklets in German are out as PDF files on my homepage (covering pictures 1 to 80).

Number 5 is already in the making (81 to 106).

@Colette: please tell the polish translator I would like to contact him. There is a Go camp in Poland right now and they are interested in that translation, but didn't know who is going to do the translation. My eMail, sent to you yesterday, was rejected :-(

(GoChild GoRo 2280642 points)

Author:  Inkwolf [ Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

Hmmm, I haven't changed my e-mail...don't know why it didn't work.

Anyway, it's being translated by Gogeo, you should be able to PM him on the forum.

Looks like 27 pages are done so far.

Meanwhile, I draw bunnies for my brother's RPG. :D
bunny_cover.JPG [ 46.98 KiB | Viewed 25918 times ]
chase_maybe.JPG [ 37.68 KiB | Viewed 25918 times ]
The_Horror.JPG [ 39.54 KiB | Viewed 25918 times ]

Author:  Marcus [ Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

Your bunnies remind me of Watership Down.

I think I'll have to go back and read that book again.

Author:  GoRo [ Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

Inkwolf wrote:
Not only do I appreciate people who ask permission, they can now get access to high-res textless pages to work with, instead of having to erase all the dialog from the web-sized version.

Hi, Colette, thank you very much for these textless pages. I used them for the German booklets "Heft 4" and "Heft 5" (German translation up to page 106:

Now that I am starting to work on "Heft 6" I see that page 118 is missing.
Could you please update the zip-file?

One last thing: once again I received a massage that my eMail could not reach you. Is that true? I sent an eMail to you regarding the background story on page 106. I made my own story there by now, but I really would like to know why sending eMail becomes so difficult.

(GoChild GoRo with 2324371 points)

Author:  Inkwolf [ Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

GoRo wrote:
Inkwolf wrote:
Not only do I appreciate people who ask permission, they can now get access to high-res textless pages to work with, instead of having to erase all the dialog from the web-sized version.

Hi, Colette, thank you very much for these textless pages. I used them for the German booklets "Heft 4" and "Heft 5" (German translation up to page 106:

Now that I am starting to work on "Heft 6" I see that page 118 is missing.
Could you please update the zip-file?

One last thing: once again I received a massage that my eMail could not reach you. Is that true? I sent an eMail to you regarding the background story on page 106. I made my own story there by now, but I really would like to know why sending eMail becomes so difficult.

(GoChild GoRo with 2324371 points)

Whoops, I will have to fix that. Thanks for letting me know! I got your e-mail, I have simply been too lazy to answer, sorry. :D

By the way, nothing definite yet, but there's a possibility that Aji's Quest may be published in Korea. ^^

Author:  GoRo [ Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

Inkwolf wrote:
I got your e-mail, I have simply been too lazy to answer, sorry. :D

No problem, good to know, you are receiving my mail despite that annoying message
Mail delivery failed
SMTP error from remote server after MAIL command:
IP is blocked by EarthLink.

I do not need an answer anymore since I invented my own story of Shimari, using the keywords on page 106. Nonetheless it would make a pleasurable read to read your original story.

By the way, nothing definite yet, but there's a possibility that Aji's Quest may be published in Korea. ^^

I love to hear that, and I am pretty sure that Daniela Trinks told you so.
In May 2013 I gave her booklets 2 and 3 in Hamburg during a Go-teachers workshop where she was as an invited speaker. She liked them and wanted booklet 1, too, before she went back to Korea.

There is always some Aji somewhere :-)
And contrary to the common saying it seems to be good to give Aji away.


Author:  Inkwolf [ Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

Actually, someone who seems to be from a publishing company contacted me through Facebook and is looking at doing it professionally, so a free version of Aji in Korean is probably not possible at the moment.

Author:  GoRo [ Mon Sep 01, 2014 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

Inkwolf wrote:
Actually, someone who seems to be from a publishing company contacted me through Facebook and is looking at doing it professionally, so a free version of Aji in Korean is probably not possible at the moment.
Wonderful, so you will receive something for your work. Good to know.
I will ask Daniela whether she rose the interest in publishing this in Korea.
Booklet 6 is half ready now ... it's much fun to translate. Only 7 and 8 will
be left then. Seems possible ...

(GoChild GoRo with 2324681 points)

Author:  GoRo [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

GoRo wrote:
Inkwolf wrote:
I am happy to announce that the first 4 booklets in German are out as PDF files on my homepage (covering pictures 1 to 80).

And now I am even happier to announce the first 6 booklets in German.
They cover pages 1 to 130.

Following the story word by word and picture by picture was again a wonderful experience.

(GoChild GoRo with 2328461 points)

Author:  GoRo [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

With 50 pages to go, I feel in the middle of the translation process.
I would like to write down what I learned and what other translators could be interested in.
I plan some document, titeled "The Quollity of Translation - Aji's Quest".
I will collect insights and AHAs as well as technical details.
I would like to include ideas and hints of other people who are either translating into their native language or love the details in "Aji's Quest".

It is for sure that by trying to tell the story in your own words, you will see much better the wealth of Go related ideas und insights put in by Colette.

These little eagle rascals are not only funny, but in this part the story gives an interesting view on teaching and feelings it is connected with.

I received a lot of background information from Colette. For example about the mysterious "Captain" on pages 11 and 12, or about the different game position shown.
This can be a real help for translators and it is fun to read for Aji fans.

(Yes, I will ask permission from Colette, what to use from our eMail correspondence.)

The planned document is hosted on my homepage and I sketched the following chapters:

Quollity of Translation - Aji's Quest

0. Introduction
1. Words
1.1 Characters in the story (Aji, Tenuki, Clams, Keima, Tigers, Shimari, others)
1.2 Languages involved (English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Polish, more to come)
1.3 Jokes
2. Feelings
3. Thoughts
3.1 Translation
3.2 Story
3.3 Go
4. Readers
4.1 Groups
4.2 Reactions
4.3 Teaching
5. Secrets
5.1 The Captain
5.2 Game positions
5.3 Winnie-the-Pooh
6. Publishing
6.1 Formatting
6.1.1 Online
6.1.2 Paper
6.1.3 Fonts
6.1.4 Tools
6.2 Legal Rights
6.3 Money
7. Extroduction

I would like to get comments and support either by eMail or by PM or here in this thread. New translators are heartily welcomed!

(GoChild GoRo with 2328877 points)

Author:  GoRo [ Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aji's Quest

I like the situation on pages 117 to 120 very much, and especially the pondering of Aji. Where did you take that from? And are these comments yours or did you see them?


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