Life In 19x19

Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011
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Author:  Aphelion [ Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

Surely this doesn't have to be an annual tournament? I'm all for us starting tomorrow and having a new one every month.

Author:  Dusk Eagle [ Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

I'm not. If it's done too often it loses its specialty. With one tournament a year, it can be quite an exciting and special event. With a tournament every couple of months, its marginal utility will diminish quickly and I'm betting a lot of people would lose interest. So I'd prefer if it was only held annually.

For a more ongoing thing that doesn't end, someone willing to devote the time could set up an L19 ladder. But if I recall correctly from GD, after a little while people stopped playing on the ladder. That's what I fear will happen if too many L19 championship tournaments are held.

Author:  HermanHiddema [ Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

I would like to play again this year, but I cannot play earlier than October. If a similar format as last year is used, maybe that is an option. If it isn't then that's fine too, but I won't be playing :)

Author:  SinK [ Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

I'm in.

Author:  tj86430 [ Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

Given that it takes some time to organize and run, but there is fairly large interest and everyone interested can not participate at any time, I'd suggest that we do this twice a year: a spring tournament and a fall one. If needed these tournaments can have slight differences to increase interest in both.

Author:  Joaz Banbeck [ Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

Last year, the tournament started in June. It's high time to get it going for 2011.
Topazg, who ran it last year, has a life, and is too busy this year. So I'm going to step in.

I hope to use this thread merely to discuss the organizational issues. Once we can get a rough consensus - in a few days, I hope - I'll start a registration thread.

My plan is to do accelerated Swiss style rather than the elimination of last year. This means that everybody gets to play more, and one or two misclicks won't cost you the tournament. I'm thinking about 5 rounds, maybe a playoff if necessary, and then the winner gets to take a shot at unseating the current champion in a best of 3 or best of 5. KGS will again be the default venue.

We will, of course, take a break for Congress.

Any opinions?

Any scheduling suggestions? ( what is the earliest that anyone's semester starts? )

Author:  karaklis [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

Joaz Banbeck wrote:
We will, of course, take a break for Congress.

You speak in singular, do you mean the US Go Congress or the European Go Congress?

Author:  jts [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

I'd join, but when you say "we'll take a break for Congress" you seem to imply either that the matches will be pre-scheduled rather than self-scheduled, or that entrants will have to play a large number of games per week... what did you have in mind there?

Author:  dedroid [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

i'd be interested in playing in the tournament my semester starts aug 22

Author:  Joaz Banbeck [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

jts wrote:
I'd join, but when you say "we'll take a break for Congress" you seem to imply either that the matches will be pre-scheduled rather than self-scheduled, or that entrants will have to play a large number of games per week... what did you have in mind there?

Games are self-scheduled, as last year. I'm merely noting that players should not expect their opponent to be available the week of US Congress ( or the weeks of European Congress ). If both players can do it, that's fine.

A large number of games per week? No. I'll be amazed if we manage 1 round per week.

dedroid wrote:
i'd be interested in playing in the tournament my semester starts aug 22

So we'll probably slow down a bit as people go back to school. I hope to finish in September.

Like last year, we'll do our best to work around people's schedules.

Author:  Joaz Banbeck [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

I'm thinking same rules as last year:

Ruleset: AGA is the default. Others are fine if agreed by both players.

Main Time: 40 minutes.

Overtime: Either 10 stones in 5 minutes Canadian overtime or 5 x 0:40 Japanese Byo-yomi. If there is a disagreement between players, then Canadian overtime is the default.

Handicaps: All games to be even, colour decided by nigiri.

Is that ok with everyone? Did they work last year?

Author:  topazg [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

Sounds good

Author:  cubesmith [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

I'd like to plat too, if possible?
I will keep my eyes open for a registration thread (unless this is it?!)

(9k KGS)

Author:  Dusk Eagle [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

These rules seem good to me.

Author:  Hushfield [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

Yes, if this counts as the registration thread, then I'd love to sign up. The rules you proposed seem good, though I personally have a slight preference for Japanese byo-yomi (as I find it much easier to quickly gauge how much time I have left). But it seems we might choose to use Japanese byo-yomi if both players agree. Cool initiative, and I'm looking forward to playing in this tournament. How many people are expected to compete in this edition?

Author:  Joaz Banbeck [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

Hushfield wrote:
Yes, if this counts as the registration thread...

It is not. I wanted to get any rules isuuse resolved in one thread, then do registration. I was worried that if we did them simultaneously, we would have people registering, then seeing some rule or condition that didn't work for them, and then withdrawing. It seemed that a dual purpose thread had the potential to get messy.

There will be a separate registration thread, probably today.

Hushfield wrote:
How many people are expected to compete in this edition?

All 1587 members, of course. Since about half of those are frustrated spambots, maybe 750. :D
But Topazg says we had 48 last year.

That, BTW, is why I say 'about 5' rounds. If we have close to 32 entrants, 5 will be enough to be rather sure that we won't have two undefeated people at the end. Even into the 40s, with accelerated pairings the odds are good that we'll have a single undisputed challenger. When it gets around 55 or so, 6 starts to be more useful. ( It has been many decades since I looked st swiss pairing theory, so my memory of 55 could be off. But we have the option of a playoff as a backup, so it should be ok )

Author:  oren [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

Joaz Banbeck wrote:
That, BTW, is why I say 'about 5' rounds. If we have close to 32 entrants, 5 will be enough to be rather sure that we won't have two undefeated people at the end. Even into the 40s, with accelerated pairings the odds are good that we'll have a single undisputed challenger. When it gets around 55 or so, 6 starts to be more useful. ( It has been many decades since I looked st swiss pairing theory, so my memory of 55 could be off. But we have the option of a playoff as a backup, so it should be ok )

If it came to a poll, I'd prefer to see keeping the same elimination format as last year.

Author:  topazg [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

If we are to do an accelerated swiss, I'd be in favour of 8 rounds or so

Author:  HermanHiddema [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

I'm not a big fan of Swiss, accelerated or not, in a field with such a wide rang of skill. How about McMahon?

Author:  Joaz Banbeck [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Life in 19 by 19 tournament 2011

oren wrote:
If it came to a poll, I'd prefer to see keeping the same elimination format as last year.

In just three posts, we have three different suggestions. So, TO THE POLLS!

Cast your vote at: ... f=9&t=4217

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