Three points without capturing
I suppose that most readers are familiar with the three points without capturing position. How to evaluate it is not obvious, but the story is that Honinbo Shuwa ruled around 1850 that Black had three points without having to capture the four White stones. The reason that a ruling had to be made was that the position is, or appears to be, a standoff. Black to play can only guarantee one or two points, but if White plays first Black can get three points. This position even bumfuzzled Shimada, a rules theorist of the mid-20th century ( ). Under the J89 rules Black has to capture before the end of play. As was typically the case with such rulings, Shuwa did not explain his reasoning, but we can justify his ruling with prisoner return baduk.
- Click Here To Show Diagram Code
[go]$$Bc Three points without capturing
$$ ----------
$$ | . B O O .
$$ | W W X O .
$$ | W W X O .
$$ | X X X . .
$$ | . . . . .[/go]
In all cases this corner is advantageous for Black, but it does not fit the concept of territory as empty points or dead stones surrounded by independently living stones. (It does fit the concept of territory that emerges from no pass baduk with prisoner return. But that is not the question. Evaluation is the question.)
Shuwa did not explain his thinking, but we can make some educated guesses. Further play leads to possible kos, but the long standing tradition of evaluating Bent Four in the Corner as dead, in both Chinese and Japanese texts, relies upon there being no (external) ko threats. So Shuwa probably made that assumption. In that case, if White plays first the result is 3 points for Black, while if Black plays first the result is 2 points for Black. That is why it is a standoff.
With prisoner return baduk we can check whether the corner is worth 3 points to Black. All we have to do is to give White 3 prisoners, with Black having none. Then if the corner is worth 3 points to Black the combination is worth 0, which means that the player to move loses. White to play yields 3 points to Black after an even number of moves, and with 3 prisoners White also has 3 points, so we have a 0 position with White to play. White first loses. Black to play from the original position gets 2 points after an odd number of plays, but White has 3 points, so Black loses. Whoever plays first loses, as advertised.
This way of scoring was not available to Shimada, or anyone else, before the 1970s, with the development of combinatorial game theory, a mathematical theory that was inspired by baduk. The J89 rules get the value of this position "wrong", by this theory. How did Shuwa get it right?
The Japanese 1949 rules have the Three Points without Capturing position as one of its special cases, along with two standoff positions that the rules evaluate as Five Points without Capturing. If White plays first that is the result for Black, but I doubt if that was Shuwa's reasoning. Surely Black is forced to play first. If neither player plays that indicates that the position is a seki, worth 0. Besides, prisoner return baduk supports the value of 5 points in only one of the cases.

Here is my guess about Shuwa's reasoning. Since the result after White plays first is better for Black than the result after Black plays first, we must be in a situation where plays are costly, as a rule. That being the case, when Black plays first and gets only 2 points she makes one more play than White does. And that indicates that the value of the corner for Black is greater than 2 points. Nobody had yet thought of fractional points as a possibility*, and the value had to lie between 2 and 3, so 3 points it is.

(Besides we know that plays can lose one point.) The "mistake" of the J89 rules is to force Black to play first when plays in theory lose nothing. The theoretically correct result could be found by having White reply with a move that also loses 1 point. The J89 rules force Black to play too early because their hypothetical play focuses on life and death instead of evaluation.
*Bill Fraser discovered the first known position with a fractional territory value. I evaluated it.

Anyway, here is an sgf file that illustrates the evaluation by play of those positions.