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 Post subject: Vann's Journal of accountability.
Post #1 Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:05 pm 
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KGS: VannLucas
My weekly status update:

Week beginning August 28, 2010:
Games played: 7
Tsumego completed: 40
My games reviewed (me): 1
My games reviewed (other): 2

Win: 4
Loss: 3

Currently studying: Graded Go Problems for Beginners Vol. I


So hey there. I'm relatively new and upon finding this section I was pretty intrigued. It sounds like a good idea to me, and I want to get involved.

The list will probably be updated as time goes on.

My current goals

  • Play at least two games a day close to my rank.
  • Practice 50+ Tsumego per week. (This will probably decrease the stronger I get, due to increase in difficulty)
  • Review one out of three games I play myself.
  • Have someone stronger than me review one out of five games (or more) and actively be involved in the review.
  • Finish reading Fundamentals of Go by Mid-August (Started July 28th)
  • Reach 8kyu by the end of September*
  • Reach 4Kyu by January
  • Don't die trying

*Regarding 8kyu by September. This is based on my real-life Rival's growth. We both are pretty fast learners, and he went from 12kyu to 8kyu in around one month. I have given myself two months as to give myself some leway. He is away until mid September in India at a friends' wedding so is unable to play. My aim is to catch up to him by then so we can play an even game and properly discuss our games. (Currently I'm still a little lacking in the knowledge department, but I've advanced quite a bit over the past two weeks alone there. I see the growth as a somewhat realistic goal as long as I -do- commit myself properly.)

This part I got inspired by Loons' page. IF my rank is on show, I have a little more leverage to stick to my goals. If you guys can see me grow (or not grow) it's a bit of an inspiration not to let you guys down, either, y'know?

Please excuse the rather random spike around mid July. I was very ill between Mid-May to the spike's appearance and wasn't even able to get to the computer, let alone play online. A few games sorted the spike issue, though!

So! Here I go!

Week beginning July 30, 2010:
Games played: 8
Tsumego completed: 30
My games reviewed (me): 1
My games reviewed (other): 3

Week beginning August 1, 2010:
Games played: 20
Tsumego completed: 44
My games reviewed (me): 2
My games reviewed (other): 3

Week beginning August 8, 2010:
Games played: 6
Tsumego completed: 10
My games reviewed (me): 0
My games reviewed (other): 2

(I took a break this week from KGS due to burning out. Hence the numbers being lower.)

Last edited by VannLucas on Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:07 am, edited 21 times in total.
 Post subject: Re: Vann's Journal of accountability.
Post #2 Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:47 pm 
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Good luck


 Post subject: Re: Vann's Journal of accountability.
Post #3 Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:43 am 
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Good luck! I look forwards to tracking your progress, as well as seeing the first game you post.

Someday I want to be strong enough to earn KGS[-].

 Post subject: Re: Vann's Journal of accountability.
Post #4 Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 3:08 pm 
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So, today I met up with my friend Basti (Germoe on KGS) who is somewhere between 1d and 1k. He joined the club in Birmingham while he was visiting from Germany and has been helping me with my Go studies.

We played three games, of which I couldn't make into an SGF. As such I'm adding to my list, practice making Kifu's of games that I play in real life.

Game 1
Handicap: Even
Black: Germoe
White: Vann
Result: W+Res

We usually play even up to aroudn 50 moves and review, but since it was the last day of playing we ended up just going as long as we could. And I lost.

Game 2
Handicap: 9
Black: Gemroe
White: Vann
Result: W+44.5

I lost, but I am happy with the game. When we first played a month or two ago we started with the same setup. I resigned by move 100.

I actually took a picture of the game, nearing endgame. It's not an SGF, but it's something!

White stones captured: 12, Black stones captured: 11

Game 3
Handicap: 9
Black: Gemroe
White: Vann
Result: W+49.5


I completed chapter 3 of Fundamentals of Go. I don't want to rush through the book, as it will not sink in as well, so my aim is one chapter a day and self review of it.


Thus is my day so far. I still have time to play more games/study more tsumego, so this may be updated later on today.

 Post subject: Re: Vann's Journal of accountability.
Post #5 Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:41 am 
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First game of August 5th, 2010.

I... I dunno whether to be ashamed of this game (from the opening) or proud of how it resulted (I won by 49.5komi) in the end.

The past couple of days I have been playing awful. It's the slump, I think everyone gets it, in which you lose one game.. And another.. And another.. And so on. It subconsiously screws with your playing ability so you just can't seem to win. Everything becomes a "panic."

I've won three out of 13 games the past few days, I'm hoping that the slump will be coming to an end very soon.

Anyway, here is the game.


Feel free to tell me off for my mistakes. I realised them right when I made them.. But getting a verbal smack around the earhole from others may just drive in the point of "Don't do it again!"

 Post subject: Re: Vann's Journal of accountability.
Post #6 Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:47 am 
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White 6: The large knight is a hard move to handle (too many difficult invasion points), so maybe something to avoid until you're high SDK or Dan level. In this particular case, it's not a strong attack and not a good extension, so it feels lukewarm in lots of areas and strong in none. Prefer moves that are strong in one task and have secondary tasks they also somewhat help at.

On a grand strategic level, black is concentrated heavily on one quarter of the board. Go grab some more corners and spread out.

White 60: Obviously this is not the time to beak from the capture race. To prevent these sorts of mistakes, when you want to tenuki (that is, not responding directly to your opponent's last move), make sure you count out liberties on groups touched by black's last move. DO NOT Tenuki unless your group has more liberties than ALL black groups touched by your group. OR if your group has a large number of liberties anyway (5 or 6) or is strongly connected (eg: tiger's mouth, diagonal connection) to another group with lots of liberties.

In this case, without doing any reading at all, your group has two liberties, and is touching 3 groups. Two have 2 liberties, and one has 3 liberties. You need to increase the liberties of your group; you're at a disadvantage.

White 68: Black is not killable. Your corner still is, though. Black at C18, for instance, causes all sorts of nasty problems. Rewinding a bit, Move 66 is off. When you need life, haneing on the first line is (almost) always a terrible idea. Prefer descending. In this case, though, I think you need to go B18. White then goes D19 and you go C19 and start a ko. Not sure about the timing of when to go for this, though. But I'm not great at life and death so maybe a stronger player has better ideas. But the point is that the hane at 66 is about the worst thing you can do, and following it up with 68 (which is basically -1 point in gote) when your corner is still in danger is not a great idea.

White 82: This side group is also dead before you even started once black made a move. Connecting at 82 especially means you should have died in gote. Your opponent was generous in responding and giving you sente.

White 84: Star point might not be the best choice. Star stones like fast development along the sides, but one of the sides is really cramped. I would have played maybe the 3-3 and take solid territory? Or 3-4 at D3 maybe. You want to tempt black to approach you on the left side, since then his thickness is over concentrated. Ideally black wants to approach you on the bottom side, and force you up along the left side, towards his thickness. So make moves to discourage that.

This corner might not be the best choice, either (other corner looks more open).

White 86: Stay away from thickness. There's nothing interesting on this side. The bottom is still open. Go in that direction. Also, the star stone favors fast development. Having played it, you should generally make large extensions (eg: K3) before small extensions.

White 126: Black didn't call you on it, but count your liberties. Black M16 and you're captured. Black L14 was actually a rather clever tesuji. I'm surprised black was smart enough to make this move but didn't realize enough to capture stones in atari.

White 130: This is not an interesting area. You're just stealing a small handful of points from black. There's still an empty corner and side! Use sente to grab those.

White 134: Protect cutting points directly. Don't be greedy. White at J8 is proper. Unless you don't mind sacrificing the stones in his belly. In which case, take sente.

White 208: Double hane to the first line is usually not correct. There are also bigger points on the upper right corner.

White 232: Not necessary. Black can't cut at R7 because he puts himself in atari. Hopefully you'll see if your O7 group is in atari before its taken, and you can always just connect at R7.

White 244: This is probably the worst point on the board to go for. It's worth less than 1 point. You're already safe, so you don't need it for life or anything.

Black 259: He's delerious. This is worth 0 points.

White 260: This is worth 1 point in gote. There are bigger points on the board.

White 262: Yes, ignore black's dame insanity.

White 266: Damage is done in this area already. There are bigger points on the board still. Moves near the edges in the endgame are bigger than they appear.

White 278: Issues of ignoring atari aside, this is worth 0 points in gote. There are bigger points on the board.

White 284: If black takes that lone stone in atari, you capture in a snapback. There's no need to defend this single stone.

White 219: Yes, do not let the group reach the edge. Connecting to the edge is worth like 3 stones along the side.


As some general points:

1. Count your liberties. This gets better with experience, when you almost automatically read sequences out. But get in the practice anyway, because larger and more complicated capture races lie in your future. If you have fewer liberties than your opponent, you're in trouble. This applies only during the opening and mid games. In the end game, issues of +/- 1 point are more important.
2. Your opponent played unreasonably. Basically if there was an empty place in your territory, an atari, or a cut to be made, he put stones there. This sort of opponent is hard to handle, because it's easy to throw stones around and hard to find good ways to refute. DO NOT follow such opponents around the board. Well, you shouldn't follow any opponents around the board, but double especially it's a bad idea with this sort of opponent. Catch when he plays small moves, and take the initiative to play large moves. Catch when he plays close with cuts and ataris and see if there's a better way to reform the territory boundary further back. He'll be happy to capture 1 stone with 2 moves as you get two free moves to reform a stronger wall a few spaces back. Sort of like judo; use his momentum against him. Take pride in letting such opponents kill groups of your stones with multiple moves as you take control of the rest of the board and win by healthy margins (which is what you did in this game but I suspect it was by accident).
3. In the end game, play on the third, second, and first lines. Moves along the edges are larger than they look. If you find yourself playing a stone on the first line, see if there isn't a move on the second or third line somewhere else on the board. These are probably larger moves.

1k KGS

 Post subject: Re: Vann's Journal of accountability.
Post #7 Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:49 am 
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August 28, 2o1o!

Ah, it's good to be back.

I'd taken a few weeks off from KGS, and the internet actually, hence my journal being blank for the past couple of weeks. I'm back now, and I decided I'd post my first game of the day.

A good start to the day, as my club begins in a few hours. I'm excited because I got myself a new board (One that has a 13x13 on the opposite side) and some 9mm stones. (My previous ones are 7mm. You can really feel the difference. I wish I'd grabbed 9mm before)

Well, I'm sure I'll be updating more from now on!

 Post subject: Re: Vann's Journal of accountability.
Post #8 Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:06 am 
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Game for August 30

My rival got back from two months in Pakistan. We decided to have a game. He is 8k, but wanted to play even due to not having had chance the entire time he was away. Here is the game.

Also started going through Graded Go Problems Vol. I (I'm going through all four in order)

Good to be back on it!

 Post subject: Re: Vann's Journal of accountability.
Post #9 Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:26 am 

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VannLucas wrote:
Also started going through Graded Go Problems Vol. I (I'm going through all four in order)

At 14k, I would just concentrate on the first two; it's more important to learn those techniques instinctively than to rack your brains over the stuff in harder books. If you can do everything in volume 2 without difficulty you are probably already 10k :)

 Post subject: Re: Vann's Journal of accountability.
Post #10 Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:28 pm 
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Hi Vann

Im a beginner in coventry. If you fancy a game sometime let me know .

Regards markeemark

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