Gérard TAILLE wrote:
Knowing that a lot of works have been made in termography on kos, do you use also such ideal environment for a position implying a potential ko fight like in the position
- Click Here To Show Diagram Code
[go]$$W White to play
$$ --------------
$$ | . O . b X . .
$$ | a X O O X . .
$$ | X . O X X . .
$$ | . O O X . . .
$$ | . O X X . . .
$$ | . X . . . . .
$$ | . X . . . . .
$$ | X X . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . , . . .[/go]
It is easy to find an environment in which "a" is better than "b" and vice versa.
I am not so sure.
Gérard TAILLE wrote:
In this context, is it interesting to go further by studying the moves "a" and "b" at various temperatures in an ideal environment or do you consider such analyse cannot be useful.
IOW does it make sense to you to say for example : if t0 < t < t1 then move "a" is better than "b" in an ideal environment.
Though we know there are no ko nor ko threats in an ideal environment I am not sure you accept this wording if t0 < t < t1 then move "a" is better than "b" in an ideal environment because we know also that the local ko is of primary importance.
How do you suggest to continue the analyse to try and reach an interesting conclusion?
Let me help you out, here.
Although Berlekamp said that thermographs reveal correct play, he did not mean globally correct play for ko or superko fights or potential ko or superko fights, because of the ko caveat. That is why I have suggested using the qualification, "thermographically" for statements about how good a play is at certain temperatures.
So, when you compare move
a vs. move
b at certain temperatures, which I agree is useful to do, you have to specify the assumptions you are making about the ko situation. Which you have not done. Is either player komaster? Do we assume NTE? Do we assume specific ko threats? Do we assume no ko threats?
Note that you cannot use komonster analysis, because that involves pseudothermography. You can approach that by putting specific temperature drops in the ko ensemble.
Once you have specified the assumptions about the ko situation, we can draw the thermograph. For instance, you might specify no ko threats, and this game, {½|-½}, in the ko ensemble.